It is with great pleasure that the IST-UBI-ISEC Lisbon consortium announces that the Air Transport Week (ATW), which begins with the Ibero-American RIDITA 2024 Conference from June 27 to 29 followed by the World ATRS 2024 Conference from June 30 to July 4, has the High Patronage of His Excellency, The President of the Republic of Portugal, PhD Professor, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.
The High Patronage is a seal of approval from the President of the Republic of Portugal for the realization of ideas aimed at 'promoting, encouraging, and mobilizing the country and its citizens for the challenges and opportunities. This endorsement is an honour for the IST-UBI-ISEC Lisbon consortium, an incentive, and an added responsibility in organizing the ATW where, for the first time in Lisbon, the world's leading researchers in the sector will gather to discuss the most current topics and the sustainability challenges that aviation will face in the coming years, both in terms of services and infrastructure.